“My day is done,
and I am like a boat drawn on the beach,
listening to the dance-music of the tide
in the evening.”
–Rabindranath Tagore,
The Heart of God
When people we care about are struck by serious illness, how should we respond?
How do we support those caring for sick family members? How can we possibly help friends who are grieving? And when we find ourselves in the drama of serious illness and death—as every one of us will—where do we find the strength to carry on?
This book is the true story of a man and his family as they struggled through his illness and, eventually, his death. It is the story of a wife thrust into the unexpected role of caregiver, and of the people who helped along the way. Most of all, it is a story of love and gratitude, written with honesty, humor, and compassion.
An inspirational
and healing book
by Kathryn Cosper

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North Carolina Association of Defense Attorneys
Continuing Legal Education
Compassionate Christianity
Podcast interview with the author: available online at compassionatechristianity.org
Randolph College – Lynchburg, VA
Book Club – Wilmington, NC
Book Club - Charlotte, NC
Presbyterian Women Circle
Covenant Presbyterian Church
Charlotte, NC
Stephen Ministers
Ann Arbor, MI
Charlotte, NC
Houston, TX
Continuing Care Retirement Community - Charlotte, NC